Monday, October 14, 2013


You know how there are some items in your closet you try on and then immediately decide you don't want to wear it, well that has happened a few times with this white dress. Don't get me wrong I love it but its such an intimidating color for me. I don't know if its the fear of spilling something on it ( I do that way too often), the fact that my chest seems to look a little bigger in this color ( and I don't think I'm hurting necessarily) or the thought that it has felt a little too formal every time I consider wearing it. I have worn it in the past but as a skirt...(see that look here) but last week it finally happened I wore it for all to see!

We kept the look in a basic monochrome scheme and polished it up with this striped blazer and black accessories. Liz's son Ian is such a little model. He loves joining us for shoots and jumps in any chance he gets!

Do you have a challenging time wearing an all white piece?

No te llega a suceder que te pruebas una prenda e imediatamente decides que lo la quieres usar, pues esto me paso varias veces con este vestido blanco. Si me encanta el vestido solo que el color blanco me intimida un poco. No se si es el miedo de ensusiar me ( algo que pasa demaciado seguido), el hecho que mi pecho se ve aun mas grande ( y no es como que lo necesite) o la idea de que se veia demasiado formal cada vez que consideraba usarlo. Lo use la vez anterior como falda...(aqui esta ese look) pero la semana pasada por fin decidi usarlo en toda su gloria!

Mantuvimos el esquema monocromatico y lo refinamos con este blazer rayado blaco y negro y accessorios negros. Ian el hijo de Liz es un pequeño modelo. Le encanta acompañarnos a las sesiones de fotos y posa cada oportunidad que puede!

Se te dificulta en lucir una prenda entera en color blanco?

The Sol Sisters

1 comment:

  1. you look gorgeous! you have inspire me to dress up more. I'm also plus size, and I always get ideas from your amazing outfits. Thank you!!
