Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Viral Tuesday/Martes Viral- Michelle Phan- Draw my Life

Hello lovelies!
This is Liz from Sol Sisters. I wanted to share my favorite video I watched over the weekend with all of you dears. Inez and I were able to watch it together and both of us got sentimental at the same part within the video. I know, I know...we are a spcial pair. After we both got teary eyes, we started laughing like crazy because it was too funny that we both reacted at the same time :)
Have you guys heard about Michelle Phan? I just discovered her a couple of months ago and she has a beautiful soul, an enormous amount of beauty knowledge, and an inmense amount of talent.
Hola amores!
Soy Liz de Sol Sisters. Les quiero compartir mi video favorito de esta semana. Inez y yo vimos el video juntas y tengo que admitir que las dos lloramos o nos pusimos sentimentales en la misma escena...Ya se, ya se...somos un par especial. Despues de que las dos nos pusimos sentimentales, nos pusimos a reir como loquitas porque nos dio risa el hecho de que las dos reaccionamos al mismo tiempo :)
Han escuchado de Michelle Phan? La acabo de decrubir hace unos meses. Michelle tiene una hermosa alma, bastante conocimiento en cuanto a belleza, y una cantidad inmensa de talento.

Check it out :) Chequen su ultimo video

xoxo Sol Sisters

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